Baptism is an outward expression of an inward reality. It is an essential act of surrender and obedience in the life of a follower of Jesus. Baptism identifies us with Jesus. Through the immersion under water, we are united with the death of Christ, and through the coming out of the water, we are united with the resurrection and new life found in Christ.
Baptism doesn’t save; it publicly announces we have been saved!
Baptism in the Bible is intended as a sign of the covenant people of God in the New Testament. It is one of the two sacraments (the other being the Lord’s Supper) that are practiced at Portrait.
Baptism is a picture that represents the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus (Rom 6:3-4). When we are baptized, we publicly declare our commitment to Jesus and our identification with him as our savior and lord (boss).
Jesus not only commands it, but he also models it by getting baptized himself. Baptism is the pattern that is set in the New Testament for believers. Because your faith is intended to be lived publicly, making the bold statement of baptism is an important first step in living God’s way.
After you believe! Once you have made the decision and commitment to Jesus, then you can get baptized.
Our understanding is that the pattern in Scripture is that people believe and then are baptized (Acts 2:41; 8:12,13). Therefore we wait to batpize individuals until they have made their own profession of faith in Jesus and commitment to him. Because of this, we do baptize children, but not until they are able to articulate their faith adequately. We are eager to partner with parents to help them in this process!
If you have put your faith in Jesus and made a life-commitment to him, then yes you should be baptized. Because our understanding from Scripture is that people believe first and then get baptized (Acts 2:41; 8:12, 13), we encourage you to get baptized again now as an adult.
If you were baptized earlier in life, but have recently “re-committed” your life to Christ, then we do not suggest getting baptized again. You only need to get baptized once! The fact that God has called you back to himself is a sign that God has been at work in you and you are truly part of God’s people.