• What happens on Sunday?

    Your kids will have a chance to hear about Jesus, meet with other kids their age, and engage in different interactive activities.

  • Family Worship

    We will have Family Worship on the first Sunday of every month!

    This special time is designed specifically for our K-5th kids and their families, allowing us to worship together as a church community.

    Why Family Worship?

    Worshiping together allows our kids to See Jesus, Be With Jesus, Become Like Jesus, and Do What Jesus Did. This is an opportunity for our church to model discipleship and encourage our kids to engage with God and their church community. When we worship together, we are training our kids in the ways of the Lord and helping establish the foundation of their faith.

    What to Expect

    Check-In: On Family Worship Sundays, please check your K-5th kids into their classes using the kiosks.

    Service Together: After check-in, we invite you to bring your K-5th kids to service with you.

    Dismissal: Following worship, children will be dismissed and will line up with their teachers at the back of the room.

    We look forward to you and your K-5th kids joining us in worship. Thank you for partnering with us in discipling Portrait Kids!

  • Age breakdown

    Kids classes are available for these age groups:

    • Nursery (Infants)
    • Walkers
    • Preschool (ages 3 - 4)
    • Kindergarten - 1st grade
    • 2nd - 5th grade

    Students in 6th - 12th grade are invited to join the service with their family.

  • Pre-Register Your Kid(s)

    When you pre-register your kid(s), it will make your Sunday check-in experience that much smoother. You only need to register your kids once and you will always have them in our database.

  • Health & Safety

    All of our volunteers (guides) have been background checked, and we will have a security presence ensuring the safety of the only main entrance into the kid’s space.

    Our volunteers for Portrait Kids will wear a specific t-shirt so we can easily identify who is supposed to be with the kids.

    We will clean and wipe down the kid’s area with non-toxic cleaner every time before use. Sanitizer will be available for use for all volunteers and kids.

  • Questions

    Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We would love to hear from you and serve you any way we can!

    Email us at tamara@portrait.church